

Supernatural or Paranormal events have long been a newsworthy topic, attracting the attention of believers and skeptics alike. It seems that when anything seemingly unexplainable happens, especially when mysterious circumstances like ghosts are involved, it isn't long before neighbors start talking, newspaper articles begin popping up, and soon enough the story has become something of a legend. Over the years, these stories become more and more embellished, and they are soon part of a community's lore. There are numerous fantastic examples of these Supernatural Sagas...

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel

The true story behind “The Exorcism of Emily Rose,” involves a young German girl named Anneliese Michel, born on September 21, 1952 in a small village in Bavaria. She was a young, beautiful woman on her way to a career in elementary education.

According to court findings, she experienced her first epileptic attack in 1969, and by 1973 was suffering from depression and considering suicide. Soon she was seeing the faces of demons on the people and things around her, and voices told her she was damned.

The first person to recognize that Anneliese Michel was possessed by demons was an older woman accompanying the girl on a pilgrimage. She noticed that Anneliese would not walk past a certain image of Jesus, refused to drink water from a holy spring and smelled bad — hellishly bad.

Under the influence of her demons, Michel ripped the clothes off her body, compulsively performed up to 400 squats a day, crawled under a table and barked like a dog for two days, ate flies, spiders and coal, bit the head off a dead bird and licked her own urine from the floor.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Smith Sisters Murdered Anonymously...

A boy named John Smith lived in Plainfield, Wisconsin. He was very fond of scary emails and pop-ups. Everyday he would find new ones and post them to everyone he knew. He even started making some himself and sending them to strangers. He loved to scare people on the net.

One-day on November 2007, he opened up his inbox and found a message that appeared to be from two young girls. They called themselves the “Smith Sisters” and told him they were his older sisters, which confused him because he was an only child. They said that years ago, they had lived in his house.

He replied, saying he didn’t have any sisters and told them to get lost and leave him alone. The next day, he received a chilling message with some photo attachments. The first photo was of two young girls.

The caption on it said Smith Sisters murdered anonymously.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Blair Witch Mystery..!!

The Myth and Legend of the Blair Witch started in 1785 with an old woman who immigrated over to the States from Ireland. Her name was Elly Kedward. The town she settled in was then known as "Blair". The townspeople found out that she was luring the children into her house and drawing blood from them. And so in 1786 accused her of being a witch. Their punishment for her was to cast her out into the forest with no provisions in the middle of a harsh winter. They presumed she succumbed to the elements.
By the end of that winter most of the children of Blair had suddenly disappeared. The townsfolk blamed the witch and proclaimed the township of Blair and the Black Woods as cursed. The townsfolk soon abandoned Blair and vow to never mention Elly Kedward's name again. In 1809 a rare tome called THE BLAIR WITCH CULT is published. It tells of bloodletting and how the entire town of Blair is cursed by the Witch.
The abandoned township is accidently stumbled upon in 1824 when the railway is due to go through there. The new founders rename the town Burkittsville and the township is once again settled. One year later a small girl named Eileen Treacle is pulled down by a ghostly hand into Tappy East Creek. There are 11 witnesses who watched as the small child is dragged under the shallow water. Her body is never recovered. For thirteen days afterwards the creek is reported as being polluted with an oily substance along with masses of stick figures. A farmer reports of having to move cattle from the creek area as cows that have drunk from it have died or had calves with birth defects.